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项目(s): B.A., B.S.,小

A 剧院 from Northwest degree opens up numerous career opportunities and helps you develop diverse skills. Our graduates are successful in getting jobs in professional theatre career paths. We offer profession-based learning through classes early on in your academic career. 想了解更多? 继续阅读!

为什么学习 西北剧院

威尼斯人在线威尼斯人在线希望你能马上投入! 这就是为什么威尼斯人在线要举办一年级学生展示会, 第一年你能在哪里参加演出. 威尼斯人在线的学生很成功. A degree in 剧院 from Northwest will get you on the right path to a job in the industry. 校友 have found success as actors, directors, designers 和更多的. 


剧院 Northwest operates in large like a family business.  While theatre is an outstanding outlet for the creative endeavors of anyone of any major, 戏剧西北专业的学生成为成功的教师, 董事和法医教练, 任何领域的设计师, 表演者, 舞台经理, stage technicians or production staff leaders and members, 戏剧编剧, 还有更多. They take jobs ranging from professional stage work to regional work with operas, 游轮或主题公园的表演者, 大学教授, 戏剧治疗师, 剧院业务经理, 剧院宣传经理, 艺术管理员, 和更多的. They act, design, build, paint, study, teach, and above all create. 西北剧院相信在实践中学习, early and often delicately combined with theory through classroom instruction, 大师班和个人学习. Completers of theatre Northwest’s majors become working professionals. 如果这是你的目标,威尼斯人在线正适合你. 

In your first year as a 熊猫, you will have the opportunity to perform in several shows. 除了, 你选表演, 口译, 剧院设计, 戏剧的基础, Tech Skills in 剧院 (up to three times in three separate areas), 和戏剧欣赏. 晚些时候, 取决于你选择追求的方向, 你会有高级表演之类的课程, 表演时期和风格, 声音和动作, 创造性戏剧, 妆, 戏剧服装设计, 电动车, 或风景(或一切), 戏剧起草和高级起草, 剧本创作, 戏剧史(两门选修课), 舞台与商业管理, 导演, 剧院顶点, 和更多的. Northwest’s semi-comprehensive philosophy gives you an overview of all major areas of theatre but lets you focus as narrowly as you would like. This enhances marketability and helps graduates secure jobs right out of college. 

What's the difference between the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science 

The Bachelor of Arts (BA) is designed for students to take a minor. This 30-hour program 可以 often open students up to pursue pathways like creative writing or wellness to add other skills to their resume. The Bachelor of Science (BS) is a 60-hour program dedicated to theatre exclusively in two tracks: Performance and Technical and Design.


First-year students may audition for theatre scholarships at either the fall or spring theatre visit day or at any time that 可以 be arranged between students and faculty. Students majoring in any theatre area, including education, 可以 earn scholarships. 除了, the theatre program offers numerous opportunities for work as facility assistants or earning service award scholarships in areas ranging from box office management to performance coaching to scene shop supervision. Between 10-20 service award scholarships are offered each year.  


剧院B.A. (小)

戏剧文学学士(30学时), 这需要一个未成年人, provides students with practical and theoretical knowledge in all areas of theatre study in preparation for advanced training, 毕业工作或直接进入该领域.



Performance students begin in their first year with 戏剧的基础, 妆, 表演和技术技能. Students 可以 build a diverse resume with four mainstage productions a year and several one-act opportunities. 看看威尼斯人在线今年的节目安排吧.



This technical and design specialization offers courses in drafting, 场景设计, 舞台灯光等. Students gain profession-based learning through participating in four mainstage productions a year as well as one-act shows. Student employment opportunities are available through working as an assistant to the Technical 导演/Performance Facilities Manager. Students in this program have interned and are currently working as 舞台监督s on Broadway.



The minor in 剧院 (24 hours) provides students majoring in other departments with a general knowledge of all major areas of theatre, and gives them the opportunity to apply that knowledge in production environments. 查看课程目录.


“I think that Northwest has prepared me for the professional world in having a very well-rounded skill set. Being very versatile is wonderful for professional employers.——肖恩·墨菲


  • 演员
  • 导演
  • 设计师
  • 舞台监督

学了专业我能做什么 剧院?

Alpha Psi Omega

(APO)是一个全国性的戏剧专业荣誉协会. Highlights for this group are an annual touring children’s show that donates proceeds to local charities and sponsorship of the annual year-end theatre awards banquet.

Alpha Psi Omega


它是美国技术戏剧学院. 它的成员 包括 主要是 designers and technicians, but all are encouraged to join. The group presents workshops throughout the year, and A national conference is an annual highlight. 




这是西北地区首屈一指的喜剧俱乐部. They present two shows each semester that include sketch comedy, 即兴创作, 单口喜剧等等. Students from across the University are members of this exciting organization.



除了主舞台表演系列, 剧院 Northwest produces two levels of student-directed plays. 首先是黑匣子显示, 一种完全由学生产生的行为——表演, 方向, 以及生产人员. Students may also direct Second Stage Shows, which 可以 be full-length shows produced in our newest 聚会地点, 休斯顿中心的工作室剧院. 



剧院B.A.s 可以 minor in theatre in preparation for a career in musical theatre. 很多人还 参与 in ensembles such as the Tower Choir, the Wind Symphony, the 熊猫 Marching 乐队 或者其他几个团体. Two department programs join bi-annually to produce a large-scale musical theatre production open to theatre majors in every area. 最近的演出包括《威尼斯人在线》, 海绵宝宝音乐剧, 恐怖小店, 以及《威尼斯人在线》和《威尼斯人在线》等经典作品. 


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